“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,Continue readingLike A Flaming Arrow…
Steadfast Love – KVBand 2011, LIVE at Harvest Hills
This is a video capture of moment with my old band, the KVBand. The song is an original written by myself, and arranged by The KVBand (Barry Edwards, Doug Wollman,Continue readingSteadfast Love – KVBand 2011, LIVE at Harvest Hills
God Is Good!
God is good… all the time! I am thankful we can always rest in Him… always. Yesterday, and… overnight we endured a Winter Blizzard here in Northern Michigan. It remindedContinue readingGod Is Good!
This Is My Prayer – New Song
‘This Is My Prayer’ was written many years ago. Back then Jill and I lived in Piedmont, South Dakota. My office/recording studio window was open to the west and myContinue readingThis Is My Prayer – New Song
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