
If you’ve recently seen Ken in concert and you would like to leave a comment in regard to Ken’s ministry… please send us an email!  We would LOVE to hear from you as well as post your comments here… thank you!

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Brother And Friend!

We so enjoyed your ministry at our Grand Opening Service, many have shared how your meekness and character through the Spirit of the Lord has blessed them richly! We are excited to have You visit again this October 3rd at 10:00 am at Harvest Hills Community Church, Exit 48 Summerset SD!
Blessings My Friend!

Pastor Brian Wendt


Thank you for AWESOME praise and worship this morning (Destiny Foursquare Church)!! The Spirit of the Lord was ever-present. I truly enjoyed service today —- WOW!!

I have wallowed and nestled all day long in His embrace as a result of this morning’s service!! One of the callings on my life is Praise & Worship (I know this for certain) —- it’s what I did for many years in my former church. I love worshiping the Lord. It’s a GREAT responsibility to usher in the presence of the Living God and to help lead His people enter into His Presence. As a worship leader, I have learned to never ever take role that lightly. So very important to prepare our hearts for the Word. Again…thank you for today!!

Beverly Parker-Greer



So many things to say, but where to start?

I have known you for a little under a year, but it really only took a couple Harp and Bowl sessions to know your amazing heart. What I love and respect about you the most is your humility. I didn’t know you were this travelling musician/worship leader who sells amazing, anointed CD’s. I knew an awesome man of God, who loves to worship and move the heart of God and an awesome “dude” who is always lending a hand somehow.

There are many memorable times to recall, but one that I will always treasure. When I was having a hard time coping with my new transition in life, you invited me out with a bunch of the church folk and insisted that I join in the delicious food at Perkins. (I think it was Perkins; either that or Denny’s–both good though.)  I was really having a difficult time because I really missed my home in Florida, my mom and my place there. But you reached out and really touched my heart in a way only few can. (**you took part in the Fathers love**)

Thank you Ken for being who you are, thank you for being a pure example of a faithful worshipper, and thank you for being such a marvelous friend. May you, Jill and I have fantastic enjoyable memories to come! 🙂

With a bunch a love,
Niki 🙂


My family and I went on a Sunday afternoon drive yesterday and your Winter Reflections CD was in the player the entire time. You have beautifully and masterfully captured the essence of the beautiful Black Hills in song. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. It is a rare opportunity to know such a wonderful person with such amazing talent and I am both blessed and thankful that I get the opportunity to call you friend. Thank you,Ken, for giving the gift of masterful music in this winter season.

Mark Royalty
Rapid City Burn Coordinator


Ken Verheecke has been in the ministry for many, many years. I first met Ken in Spearfish City Park in 1995. He was doing a post Hills Alive worship event. I had great memories from that year. It was my first Hills Alive where I got to see Geoff Moore and the distance as well as  Whiteheart. Well Matt Richards and I went to this thing in the park. It was really great. We met Ken and got to participate in the worship as he played and sang. You know I know we are supposed to go to Hills Alive to connect with God, but I go to enjoy the music and have fun. I had a lot of fun that weekend, but not a lot of God. As we were partaking with Ken in simple worship, I felt peace and I really felt  God for the first time that weekend. 14 years later I still feel that way with Ken’s music. Ken has the Ministry of Peace. In a world where we are constantly in strife, It is the peace of God we are looking for. Ken’s music has always led me to it. “Winter Refections” is no different. It is an instrumental Christmas album that brings peace and introspection. You can relax to it by a fireplace, or you can use it to teleport you to the throne. Either way it is a fine album by an artist that just keeps getting better.

Matt Davis


I really liked the worship experience yesterday that you led. It felt like we all got on a magic carpet ride. I hate to use that saying because it wasn’t by no means magic. But by your music ‘we all were taken or swept into’ the presence of God. If anyone came yesterday with stress or fears they had to have left with a deeper understanding of God’s peace. John was trying to describe it yesterday (not sure if you heard him) when he said ‘it just feels like everything is going to be ok’ He was describing the awesome peace that God was pouring out on His people. Thanks Ken for being His vessel to ushering us into the Fathers Arms! Bless you and Keep it up! Also loved the Summer Reflections too!

Church Member from Chadron Community Church


Wanted to say how much your heart and presence impact my family and I.  I just read a short comment you posted to my husband’s blog… I immediately teared up. You really are a man after God’s heart.  Keep doing what you are doing, and when you feel like what you are doing doesn’t matter, remember this:  Your ministry and anointing are beautiful to see.  Thank you.

Deanna Shoup


I just had to tell you how much we (my wife and I) enjoyed your ministry to us on Resurrection Sunday. I fully and truly blessed by the Sprit of God that comes through your music! And hearing about the good work God and you did in in Alaska was just great. Thanks again Ken may god richly bless you in every way.

Shalom brother,


I recently purchased your latest CD, Life is a Gift, and started listening to it at 4:00 AM on Monday morning, on my drive back to Gillette, WY. I listened to the CD at least 4 consecutive time through – for two hours straight. That was the first time I’ve ever listened to any music recording a second, let alone third or forth, time through – without interruption. I guess it spoke to my soul. Times are tumultuous, and I find myself anxious more often than not. In this CD I found a real source of peace in holy communion with God. After two straight hours, I renamed the CD: Strings of Peace.

God Bless,
Rick Abelseth

Keep it coming.


“It has been such a joy to know Ken these past 4 years. It’s not only his musical gift that shines, but his love for the Lord and passion to share that love with others. We have seen first hand in our ministry how God uses Ken. God uses him to bring people into the presence of God, even if they don’t know God. The result? Lives are changed!!  Ken’s humble spirit is a blessing to all who meet him. We pray God will continue to bless Ken’s ministry and continue to fill his heart with overflowing joy and peace. We look forward to seeing Ken again. Our door is always open to him!”

Mary Pfister
The Upper Room Christian Coffee House
Sheboygan, WI


“Ken has a genuine love for Christ Jesus and a passion for worship. The Father has given Ken the ability and gift to transport people from the pews of the church into the Throne Room of God. Our whole church considers it a privilege to host Ken every year.”

Pastor Eric Sutton
Oglala Re*Creation and Worship Center
Oglala, SD
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation


“An evening at a Ken Verheecke event is an evening spent before God’s throne.  Something about his music seems to mingle with the music of Heaven and open up hearts to God’s healing waters.   We will have Ken in concert every year until Jesus comes back.  He’s that good!”

Brent Parker
Pastor – Destiny Foursquare Church
Rapid City, SD


“Ken’s music has always been inspirational to me in ways that I can’t put adequate words to. Simply put, whether you’re listening to Ken in concert or from a recording, your heart will be warmed and drawn by the Holy Spirit to hear the Heavenly Father’s Heart. When I think of Ken’s ministry, I think of God’s Heart Expressed through intimate music and Ken’s down to earth ways of sharing life’s moments that lead weathered hearts heavenward.”

Doug Wollman
Christian Artist, Worship Leader


“What I appreciate most about Ken’s ministry is his heart of grace and overwhelming passion to communicate his love for Jesus to an audience.  Ken’s music will soothe and comfort and his stories will pull you closer to the heartbeat of God.  It is rare that I walk away from an evening with Ken on the stage without crying.  He shares with an honesty and transparency that pulls out the tides of emotion inside of me.  Before the night is over, you will feel like you’ve gained a new confidant and friend in a man that is willing to bare his soul for the glory of his King.”

Shawn Michael
Christian Artist, Worship Leader


“What makes Ken ministry powerful is his genuine and gentle way.  Ken’s easygoing manner and authenticity is also expressed in his music.  Having Ken at your church or event will bring an incredible peace to all who attend.”

John W. Hostettler
Pastor – New Life Assembly of God, Pierre, SD


“Ken Verheecke had been one of our church’s favorite annual guest ministers for almost 13 years.  We so enjoy his exceptional gift and inspirational ministry.  His compassion and connection to the hearts of this local body of Christ has brought much healing in soul and body.  He has stirred our hearts as we identify with his faithfulness and courage.  His testimony is unique and yet so much apart of our common lives.  He is gracious, courteous and kind; obedient to his calling.  His tender heart and humility are rare these days with so many pressing for the concert stage”

John Doonan
Pastor – Amazing Grace Community Church
Westchester, IL


“For the last 10 years I have invited Ken to come year after year because I want my students to be exposed to a humble, Godly man who loves Jesus and lives what he believes and sings about.  Ken always brings something new in song or story that demonstrates a vibrant growing relationship with his Master.  His sincerity and passion are endearing and contagious.”

Brad Hawes
Campus Minister – Michigan State University


“What a blessing you were to us! Thank you for bringing us before our Father’s Throne. Your heart to worship the Lord and your musical skill at bringing us into worship with you is unique. A ministry, given to the body of Christ, by the Father Himself. As a congregation, we look forward to your being with us again…. soon!”



“As a pastor, we had Ken in our church several times for a “Concert in Worship.” Ken’s music, ministry and ‘walk’ is deeply anointed and God breathed. From pastor to pastor, let me encourage you to plan a Ken Verheecke Event. You and your people, will be blessed!”



A Worshipping Servant
Concert Review taken from GJ Magazine
By: Virgean Bosworth

“Those who worship God must worship in spirit and in truth. Such worshipers the Father seeks,” Jesus says in John’s gospel, chapter four. Singles Friday Night Alive at College Church of the Nazarene, October 15, presented Ken Verheecke. He introduced himself as a “chubby-cheeked Eskimo who was not a performer but a worshiper with a desire to entertain the heart of God.”
I knew God never searches for performers or entertainers to be His ambassadors; instead, He seeks for true worshippers. As I considered that, I thought to myself, “Well, we’ll see,” and prepared to critique Ken’s performance.

Nevertheless, I soon found myself caught up, not in any wild actions or rock style, and not even in voice quality. On the contrary, I closed my eyes and was caught up in Ken’s worship of God. I echoed the cry of his heart in my own heart through the words and phrases of his original songs and guitar music. Through his transparent humility he transported me into God’s presence.

In his testimony, interwoven throughout this reverent entertainment of God’s heart, Ken revealed God’s design on his life to change him from a servant who rocks to one who worships. In the Fall, 1999, issue of GJ magazine, Ken shares the story of his faith walk through the progression of his musical ministry. But in the evening, he included more of his family background, a Swedish father who served in the military for 27 years and a full-blooded Alaskan Eskimo mother. His father served abroad in two wars and soon thereafter, suddenly died from a heart attack. During years of separation, his mother suffered much anxiety. And within months after his death, she died, too. In her memory, Ken sang his mother’s favorite song, “My Jesus, I love Thee.” She had accepted Christ as her Lord at the ’73 Billy Graham crusade.

As Ken quietly worshipped, my hostile heart was softened and I entered with him into the holy presence of God. There, with a changed heart, I worshipped with him through these words he sang, “I will come and dance; I will come and sing; I will offer praise in everything. I will come and bow; I will come and bring–all of my love. This is my offering.” Through Ken’s worship of the Lord, I also was drawn into worshipping Jesus in Spirit and in truth. What renewal!