The Second song in a series of FREE song downloads over the next 2 weeks. Hoping this simple song brings peace, comfort, calm and rest! Kindness is something we needContinue readingKindness (Free Song Download)
New Song Video – Lift Up Your Eyes
Inspired by the memory of my dad and I looking at the moon through a telescope in 1969. We were living in Hawaii at the time… and I’ll never forgetContinue readingNew Song Video – Lift Up Your Eyes
Your Next Home Run… could be today!
“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth My dad shared with a phrase when I was young that still echos in my heart andContinue readingYour Next Home Run… could be today!
“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.” – Tony Robbins Sometimes, it is as simple as taking the first step… stepping into the unknown, but… maybeContinue readingAction!
Through the Veil of Tears (Remix)
Good Morning Friends… As an artist I often wonder what it would be like to remix and re-master a track. I am always growing as a musician, engineer and producer…Continue readingThrough the Veil of Tears (Remix)
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