Like A Flaming Arrow…

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17

This morning I was awakened by a dream where I was talking to God and He said “it’s time to believe again…” then He took me as if I was a flaming arrow and placed me in His bow. He drew back and shot me into the reservations of South Dakota and the west! I then found myself surrounded by people who God said He strategically positioned to support what was happening on the reservations! It’s going to be a sound of joy… revival… a new horizon, and… a new day for God’s Native Bride! My covering is His calling… and God said “you’re not done yet.”

I have felt called to raise a sound of worship on Native Lands since September 11th, 2010… but in recent years God brought us to Michigan to help care for Jill’s mom. Sadly, mom passed in June of 2022 and since then I have been feeling that God was reviving this call on my heart. But… fear, doubt and not knowing what to do has caused me to freeze. I feel so unworthy on so many levels, I have made so many mistakes… but God noted, His calling is my covering! His mercy triumphs over judgement!

This morning as I write this, I am heading to South Dakota. I am participating in a 24 Hour Worship & Prayer event in Pierre, SD… the state capitol! Similar to an event that we started doing on the reservations in South Dakota back in 2011! I feel as though something on this trip is going to shape the future what will happen in the coming months and years.

My heartfelt prayer this morning is, God I submit… ignite me as this arrow, fire me to where you want to send me! Unto Him who is worthy… all glory to our God!

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