Kindness (Free Song Download)

The Second song in a series of FREE song downloads over the next 2 weeks. Hoping this simple song brings peace, comfort, calm and rest!

Kindness is something we need in the world today. May we take care of each other… sharing in meeting each others needs and maybe, more willing to think “we” more, than just… “me” while we are in this current state of co-vid 19 outbreak. This shall pass… and the sun will shine again! We have much to look forward to!

I hope and pray this too simple song blesses you this night!
~ Ken Verheecke

Recorded in 432 hz this evening! 432 Hz, otherwise known as Verdi’s A, was the music tuning standard prior to today’s tuning of 440 Hz. 432 Hz is widely considered a superior tuning that makes music more pleasant to listen to and has a positive influence on the human mind and body.

2 thoughts on “Kindness (Free Song Download)

  1. Kevin Boucher says:

    Good evening Ken.

    This is Kevin Boucher….we’ve talked on Facebook a few times…I LOVE your music. Not sure if you remember, but I am a radio producer and am writing you to see if you would like to do an interview with me, about the beauty and majesty of Winter ?

    I have been doing a few Zoom Video interviews and the audio on Zoom seems to be better than the standard telephone line.

    I know you are quite busy, but if you would want to do the interview sometime either this month, or, one day in June, that would be great!
    Oh yes, I will use your interview on my yearly (1) Christmas Special and (2) Earth Day special.

    Thanks, and keep up your GREAT, music.

    My e-mail is:



    Kevin Boucher/WSIU Radio Community Engagement Producer
    Southern Illinois University
    Carbondale, Illinois

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